
Vollkommen unzureichende Anhörung im #Verkehrsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestag gestern am 16.10.2024 zum Thema Brennernordzulauf im Raum Rosenheim

Die Anhörung im #Verkehrsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestag gestern am 16.10.2024 war vollkommen unzureichend! Kurzbegründung: 1. Die #STRABAG - #ZÜBLIN - #Putin -Deripaska- #Haselsteiner Interessen am schnellen Bau wurden in keinster Weise angesprochen. 2. Die #Westbahn Interessen wurden nicht angesprochen. 3. Die #Haselsteiner Privat Interessen wurden nicht, bishin zur Unterstützung von Politikern der ersten Reihe in Deutschland und Österreich, angesprochen. 4. Der lokal gegebene Bezug zur Oper in Erl, welche besonders #Putin -freundliche russische Künstler fördert, und, welche eine besondere Bevorzugung von Wagner praktiziert, wurde nicht angeführt: Gewünschte Haltestelle im Kirnstein-Wildbarren-Bereich in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Oper. 5. Die Putin-FSB-Methoden der Interessendurchsetzung im Raum Rosenheim gegen Kritiker der aktuellen #brennernordzulauf Planung durch die Deutsche Bahn, die #STRABAG , das Ingenieurbüro Obermeyer ... wurden nicht angesprochen. 6. Die Problematik der

A comment on the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, in Physics, and in Chemistry 2024: AlphaFold, RNA Intelligence and AI

A comment on the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, in Physics, and in Chemistry 2024: AlphaFold, RNA Intelligence and AI My Warmest Congratulations for being awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to David Baker “for computational protein design” and to Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper “for protein structure prediction.” May I note that my comment on RNA intelligence and AI from yesterday morning* is able to explain the enormous efficacy of AlphaFold2 at least in part. My argumentation is as follows: 1. microRNA is a very important component of protein synthesis. 2. microRNA evolution is related to backpropagation *. 3. Backpropagation is a very important factor in the neural network AlphaFold uses based on proteins which are based on RNA and microRNA regulation. 4. AlphaFold2 uses the same or nearly the same principles RNA or microRNA respective RNA or microRNA evolution use. 5. AlphaFold2 computation gains an efficacy bewteen 80% and 90% in protein folding. Addit

A comment on both the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and in Physics 2024: RNA Intelligence and AI

  Heartfelt Congratulations to Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun being awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for the discovery of microRNA and its role in post-transcriptional gene regulation” and Heartfelt Congratulations to  John J. Hopfield  and  Geoffrey E. Hinton   being awarded The Nobel Prize in Physics 2024 “for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks” from Germany. A comment on both the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and in Physics 2024: RNA Intelligence and AI I want to present the theory that RNA evolution on the microRNA level and AI share at least two common principles: 1. The factor ½, and 2. Summation. This is due to: A) The consideration we presented on 7. October 2024 [1] : It's noteworthy that the lin-4 microRNA is 21 nucleotides long and 21 is a FIBONACCI number (F8) and thus the microRNA concept is (strictly) consistent with our considerations [2] . Please, note furthermore

microRNA, FIBONACCI numbers, Quantum Physics, and Phi: A Very Good Fit

microRNA, FIBONACCI numbers, Quantum Physics, and Phi: A Very Good Fit Heartfelt Congratulations to Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun for being awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of microRNA and its role in post-transcriptional gene regulation from Germany. It's noteworthy that the lin-4 microRNA is 21 nucleotides (bases, "base pairs") long and 21 is a FIBONACCI number (F8) and thus the microRNA concept is (strictly) consistent with our considerations below. (Please, note furthermore that with the LUCAS numbers 18 and 29 we get {F(8) + [L(7) + L(8)]/2}/2 = {21 + [18 +29]/2}/2 = {21 + 23.5}/2 = = 22.25 (nt, nucleotides, "base pairs") being a good approximation for the microRNA length of more advanced organisms. Please, compare with the concepts of complexity gains in evolution. A very good fit to our considerations below, too.) Yours Stefan Geier, Haidholzen Additum 14.10.2024: With L(7) = 18 and [L(7) + L(8)] /2 = 23.5

AIDS2024 The HIV capsid: 12 pentamers and quantum biology allow new ways of drug development

 #AIDS2024 The   HIV capsid: 12 pentamers  and quantum biology allow new ways of drug development by Stefan A. Geier Please, see that the number 12 in the HIV capsid molecule consisting of exactly 12 pentamers [1, 2] and about 186 (187 = 11 x 16), 216 (=12 x 18), or 242 (= 11 x 22) hexamers fits our concept on the relevance of M-theory and F-theory in the explanation of virology, biochemistry, and biology at the nanoscale. 12 pentamers exactly fit F-theory as one pole of stability in a space related to electromagnetic forces etc. and gravitation. A factor of 11 fits the M-theory pole of stability: „This means that  40 e^(-2pi/Phi²) is a 3 space + 1 time NEWTONian dimensional approximation nearer to 11 spacetime dimensions of a physics and a biology which approaches in some instances an approximate fit to 12 spacetime dimensions (e.g. collagen triple helix which is a superhelix, or Z-DNA double helix) and sometimes an approximative fit to 11 spacetime dimensions (coiled coil helices

Quasiperiodicty in 1, 2, 3, and 4 dimensions: Excellent talk by Dan SHECHTMAN on interference and light in soap bubbles and on quasicrystals

Quasiperiodicty in 1, 2, 3, and 4 dimensions: Excellent talk by Dan SHECHTMAN on interference and light in soap bubbles and on quasicrystals. Question and comment on "The Science and Aesthetics of Soap Bubbles - Agora Talks | Lindau Mediatheque " Excellent talk by Dan SHECHTMAN on interference and light in soap bubbles and on quasicrystals: Quasiperiodicity (≈ 40:00) in one dimension: FIBONACCI Series described by Leonardo di Pisa FIBONACCI; in two dimensions: Roger PENROSE’s PENROSE Tilings; in three dimensions: Dan SHECHTMAN’s Quasicrystals. It’s of interest that the heptad motif of coiled coil helices* is a second quasiperiodicity in one dimension described by Édouard LUCAS: LUCAS series are only slightly different at the starting and reach appoximately the golden ratio Phi, too. In addition they can be found in the seed heads of sunflowers sometimes in addition to FIBONACCI series. My supposition or question: Is the 60

Lucid Dreams, Dread by the Unconscious, and Repression of the Wish for Self-Efficacy

  Lucid Dreams, Dread of the Unconscious, and Repression of the Wish for Self-Efficacy 1.   Lucid dreams can be seen as a concept to cope with a dread by the unconscious some people may experience when they are told they have a psychological instance (e.g. the id of Sigmund FREUD or Eric KANDEL) which is unconscious but has very much influence on their feelings, thinking, and behavior. 2. The concept of lucid dreams can be seen as compensation mechanisms (repression mechanism, e.g. rationalization, according to Sigmund FREUD) to repress the correct internal representation of the wish for self-efficacy (Albert BANDURA) as a wish, desire, press, or need which is sometimes experienced as the manifest content of a dream. 3. "Lucid dreaming" might offer a unique bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind, allowing for the exploration and possible resolution of repressed thoughts and desires. 4. "Lucid dreaming" might reflect the problem-solving opportunities dre