AIDS2024 The HIV capsid: 12 pentamers and quantum biology allow new ways of drug development
#AIDS2024 The HIV capsid: 12 pentamers and quantum biology allow new ways of drug development by Stefan A. Geier Please, see that the number 12 in the HIV capsid molecule consisting of exactly 12 pentamers [1, 2] and about 186 (187 = 11 x 16), 216 (=12 x 18), or 242 (= 11 x 22) hexamers fits our concept on the relevance of M-theory and F-theory in the explanation of virology, biochemistry, and biology at the nanoscale. 12 pentamers exactly fit F-theory as one pole of stability in a space related to electromagnetic forces etc. and gravitation. A factor of 11 fits the M-theory pole of stability: „This means that 40 e^(-2pi/Phi²) is a 3 space + 1 time NEWTONian dimensional approximation nearer to 11 spacetime dimensions of a physics and a biology which approaches in some instances an approximate fit to 12 spacetime dimensions (e.g. collagen triple helix which is a superhelix, or Z-DNA double helix) and sometimes an approximative fit to 11 spacetime dimensions (...