AIDS2024 The HIV capsid: 12 pentamers and quantum biology allow new ways of drug development

 HIV capsid: 12 pentamers 
and quantum biology allow new ways of drug development

by Stefan A. Geier

Please, see that the number 12 in the HIV capsid molecule consisting of exactly 12 pentamers [1, 2] and about 186 (187 = 11 x 16), 216 (=12 x 18), or 242 (= 11 x 22) hexamers fits our concept on the relevance of M-theory and F-theory in the explanation of virology, biochemistry, and biology at the nanoscale. 12 pentamers exactly fit F-theory as one pole of stability in a space related to electromagnetic forces etc. and gravitation. A factor of 11 fits the M-theory pole of stability:

„This means that 40 e^(-2pi/Phi²) is a 3 space + 1 time NEWTONian dimensional approximation nearer to 11 spacetime dimensions of a physics and a biology which approaches in some instances an approximate fit to 12 spacetime dimensions (e.g. collagen triple helix which is a superhelix, or Z-DNA double helix) and sometimes an approximative fit to 11 spacetime dimensions (coiled coil helices, or B-DNA double helix)“. [3]

and, of course, the HIV ssRNA strands are not connected in the capsid:

"Furthermore, dsRNA fits the 11 or 12 dimension concept we propose in our paper by being found empirically as A-RNA with

11 base pairs

per winding (pitch 2,7 nm to 2,8 nm, angle about 14°) and A´-RNA with

12 base pairs

per winding (pitch 3 nm, angle 16° to 19°)**. Both forms of double stranded RNA approximate the multiples of 6°.” (Comment 4.Jul 2024 by Stefan GEIER with reference to Ada YONATH, #LindauNobelLauraeteMeetings2024 … on [3])

These quantum biological insights are appropriate to help to develop more appropriate drugs against AIDS and HIV infection and other infectious diseases. Also vaccine development is addressed.

It’s noteworthy, that our equation

Phi(e)² = k² Phi(alpha)² arccos(Phi/2) 2hdash,             (4b),

and the other presented equations [3] allow to explain icosahedral and related capsids (e.g. adenovirus), too, as these capsids maximize Phi according to the basics of mathematics and physics. Of course, the 11 and 12 dimension fit is related to those equations.

Yours Stefan Geier, Haidholzen


#AIDS2024 #AIDS #HIV #goldenratio #p24 #capsid



[1] PDB: Molecule of the Month: HIV Capsid.

[2] Wikipedia: HIV (Deutsch and English).

[3] GEIER Stefan, and GEIER-NOEHL Michèle: Coiled Coil Helices Including Alpha-Keratin and Leucine Zippers are Related to the Golden Ratio Concept by the Omega Constant Ω and are Related to Tetrahedra Helices and to Quantum Physics. June 2024, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11482.35525


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