A comment on both the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and in Physics 2024: RNA Intelligence and AI


Heartfelt Congratulations to Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun being awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for the discovery of microRNA and its role in post-transcriptional gene regulation” and Heartfelt Congratulations to John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton being awarded The Nobel Prize in Physics 2024 “for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks” from Germany.

A comment on both the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and in Physics 2024: RNA Intelligence and AI

I want to present the theory that RNA evolution on the microRNA level and AI share at least two common principles:

1. The factor ½, and
2. Summation.

This is due to:
A) The consideration we presented on 7. October 2024[1]:

It's noteworthy that the lin-4 microRNA is 21 nucleotides long and 21 is a FIBONACCI number (F8) and thus the microRNA concept is (strictly) consistent with our considerations[2].

Please, note furthermore that with the LUCAS numbers 18 and 29 we get


{F(8) + [L(7) + L(8)]/2}/2 =            (1)


= {21 + [18 +29]/2}/2 = {21 + 23.5}/2 = = 22.25 (nt, nucleotides, "base pairs") being a good approximation for the microRNA length of more advanced organisms.

The equation (1) includes the factor ½ and the principle of summation.

B) The basic equation of backpropagation [3] as the basic tool of neural networks and artificial networks is the equation

½ Sum(xi - εi)2        (2).

C) Equation (1) and (2) contain the factor ½ and the principle of Summation.

D) Therefore, I want to present the theory that
microRNA and AI share a common principle which is based on Summation and the factor ½.

This means that the principles of most neural networks and RNA evolution share a common principle [of A) nature and B) of human intellgence].

Critique and discussion welcome!

Yours Stefan Geier
Gerhart Hauptmann Straße 6
83071 Haidholzen, Germany

#NobelPrize #NobelPrize2024 #NobelPrizePhysiology #NobelPrizePhysics #microRNA #AI #KI #ArtificiaIntelligence
MLA style: Advanced information. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Wed. 9 Oct 2024. <https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2024/advanced-information/>

1. With F(x+1)/F(x) ≈ L(x+1)/L(x) → Φ for x →  in an both alternating manner we can include the deviation component xi - εas deviation from Φ and loss reduction related to Φ in our considerations on RNA. Thus systematic deviation and loss reduction is a third principle for both RNA and AI.

2. In a next step a square root function of F(x) and L(x) can just be stipulated and accepted; an argument for this stipulation are the basic principles of quantum physics demonstrating that the square of Erich SCHRÖDINGER's equation Ψ describes a probability of interest and its "equivalence" relation to Werner HEISENBERG's matrix mechanics as the mathematics of matrices is a basic principle of neural networks, too.

[1] https://humanistischebetrachtungen1.blogspot.com/2024/10/microrna-fibonacci-numbers-quantum.html

[2] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/381659767_Coiled_Coil_Helices_Including_Alpha-Keratin_and_Leucine_Zippers_are_Related_to_the_Golden_Ratio_Concept_by_the_Omega_Constant_O_and_are_Related_to_Tetrahedra_Helices_and_to_Quantum_Physics?utm_source=twitter&rgutm_meta1=eHNsLXJ1OXdzR3Mwc2ZRRTJVSXEzN2ZwNHQ1dEQ2MXRFcWtSLzAxMENLenNoSCtKYzJrNFROcGJCaFd2UEN2dmFVc3BJZ1VXSUpqQXVDak9wdlBCWnpTam9aVT0%3D

[3] Werner Kinnebrock: Neuronale Netze: Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Beispiele. R. Oldenbourg Verlag, München 1994, ISBN 3-486-22947-8.


  1. My Warmest Congratulations for being awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to David Baker “for computational protein design” and to Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper “for protein structure prediction.”*
    May I note that my comment on RNA intelligence and AI from today morning (above) is able to explain the enormous efficacy of AlphaFold2 at least in part.
    Yours Stefan Geier
    #nobelprize2024 #NobelPrize #alphafold #KI #AI #artificialintelligence


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