EU-Commission, taxonomy, nuclear energy, nuclear power plants, and regression to the thinking of Franz Josef Strauss and Gerhard Stoltenberg?

EU-Commission, taxonomy, nuclear energy, nuclear power plants, and regression to the thinking of Franz Josef Strauss and Gerhard Stoltenberg? A psychoanalytic's perspective:

Psychoanalytical thinking allows the link EU-Commission, #taxonomy, nuclear energy, nuclear power plants, and regression to the thinking of Franz Josef Strauss and Gerhard Stoltenberg via Gerhard Stoltenberg's daughter Ursula von der Leyen, president of the Europian Comissiom since 1. December 2019 and heading the EU Commission, in a straight way.

How to deal with?

Yours respectfully
Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Stefan Geier, Haidholzen

Gerhard Stoltenberg: Secretary of defense Germany ..., Ministerpräsident of the German state (Land) of Schleswig-Holstein, Krupp director
Franz Josef Strauss: Secretary of defense Germany ...,  Ministerpräsident of the German state (Land) of Bavaria, charismatic chairman of the CSU 


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