NEWTON‘s Cradle allows to derive 10 + 1 dimensions thus proofing String Theory and M-Theory

NEWTON‘s Cradle allows to derive 10 + 1 dimensions thus proofing String Theory and M-Theory 

Please, note that we have demonstrated that NEWTON‘s Cradle allows to derive 10 + 1 dimensions „proofing“ (open for Karl POPPER’s falsification) 10 dimensional string theory, and 11 dimensional M-theory by an experiment:

3 "normal" dimensions + 6 Calabi-Yau dimensions + time ("normal", positive) + time (negative, but circular by complex i).

The 6 Calabi-Yau dimensions are a direct logical derivation by δ(bifilar pendulum related to NEWTON’s cradle) = f (α / π^3, t): The π^3 implies a Calabi-Yau manifold with 3 holes, thus a six dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold. The negative, and i-related time is logically derived by time symmetry#, the e-function of the damping of our NEWTON's cradle, and the Phase I damping of our NEWTON's Cradle described by f(1/t^1/2).

[Please, note that you get Quantum Chemistry's SLATER-Type orbital function for fermions (with spin 1/2), ϛ = 2ħ (Graviton spin as effective charge equivalent as suggested by KLEIN for the 5th dimension), and r as distance to the center sphere of NEWTON’s cradle as a function of t; the pi comes into the exponent by basic calculus: t^(1/2-1)*e^[-ϛ*f(t)]: It’s really a proof for 10 dimensional String Theory and 11 dimensional M-Theory consistent with Quantum Chemistry, too; indeed amazing to me, to you, too?]
[22.07.2022: For bosons with spin +1
ħ (e.g. photons: electromagnetic field, MAXWELL's equations) you get t^(1-1) = 1 in our time-r dependent SLATER-Type orbital "quantum chemistry" equation, and thus you get our bifilar pendulum damping equation e^[-ϛ*f(t)] = f (α / π^3, t) fitting our data, and theory, too. Please, note that SOMMERFELD's α is often seen as a parameter when advancing to string theories, and M-theories thus allowing supersymmetry according to our equations on the bifilar pendulum, and on NEWTON's cradle when increasing the value of α etc. . (q.e.d. 😊😊😻😊😊)]

Yours Stefan Geier, Haidholzen

Context: @oe1journale: "In Wien findet derzeit eine Konferenz statt, bei der führende theoretische Physiker und Physikerinnen nach einer Weltformel suchen, die möglichst alles erklärt: das Universum, die Materie & den ganzen Rest. Anspruchsvolle Ziele, wie @RCzepel berichtet.

1:02 nachm. · 15. Juli 2022▶️


Josef M. Gaßner und Jörn Müller: "Können wir die Welt verstehen? Meilensteine der Physik von Aristoteles zur Stringtheorie". S. Fischer, 2019.

Stefan Geier et al. at @Reserchgate (es.g.,, Blogger, Facebook Stefan Geier Haidholzen (e.g. ), and Twitter @St_Geier in the last years.

Dwight E. Neuenschwander: Emmy Noethers Wonderful Theorem. 2nd edition, John Hopkins University Press, 2017.

Roger Penrose: The Road to Reality. Vintage 2004, 2005.

#Symmetry according to Emmy NOETHER, compare with CPT symmetry. The derivation of negative time is also needed due to the SCHWARZSCHILD metric at the horizon and at the inner of now "proofen" black holes (Gaßner Josef M. und Jörn Müller "Können wir die Welt verstehen? Meilensteine der Physik von Aristoteles zur Stringtheorie". S. Fischer, 2019; pp 257). Note that I have falsified their hypothesis: "Leider finden sich alle Ansätze (of String Theory, or M-Theory; added by myself) außerhalb der Reichweite unserer Experimente - ... ." (ibid. p 643).

Hi, critique welcome! 😊😊😊😊😊

😻 homage to Erwin SCHRÖDINGER's cat


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