Twisters, Tornados, Gravitons, and pi=h/2ħ: Genesis by pi-Decoupling (Hypothesis)
Excellent broadcast by @Bayern2 15.07.2022, 9:05,
#Twister #Tornado
Please, note that our concept of pi in Geier's equation [pi=h/2ħ=damping(1st sphere of Newton's cradle)/damping(bifilar pendulum)] can be related to the spin of a tornado confounded by gravitons with spin 2ħ (please, see researchgate ...) decoupled of the the pi in energy, radiation, etc. related to h.
Hypothesis to be tested, and theoretically reflected: The π in π=h/2ħ is related to the genesis (of the rotation) of twisters. ... .
Context: "Gravitation takes over"
Yours Stefan Geier, Haidholzen
Please, see ; ; ...
To Bayern 2, BR - Bayerischer Rundfunk, Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, The Royal Society, @NSF National Science Foundation, ...
Please, compare with the Navier-Stokes equations coupled with Maxwell's equations (including E=hν), and the Rossby number, too: "The Rossby number (Ro, not Ro) is defined as
where U and L are respectively characteristic velocity and length scales of the phenomenon, and is the Coriolis frequency, with being the angular frequency of planetary rotation, and the latitude." Wikipedia, Rossby number, retr. 15.7.2022
Additum, 25.07.2022: According to the conservation of the angular momentum of a twirl (e.g. ice skater's twirl: 35°C outside my room today, hi) the 2ħ should be concentrated to a very small four (or five!) dimensional space-time compatible with a very small black hole like space suggested by our considerations on e^pi (e here: EULER's e), KALUZA-KLEIN's 5th dimension, and NEWTON's cradle damping associated with e^2 (e here: elementary charge), and quantum HALL effect's R(KLITZING) being consistent with the charge component of theories on twister genesis.
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