An explanation for the 0.75 ratio of Antimatter/Matter Gravitation experimentally derived by the CERN ALPHA-g Experiments ( a(antimatter) = 0.75 a(matter) by Stefan Geier

An explanation for the 0.75 ratio of Antimatter/Matter Gravitation experimentally derived by the CERN ALPHA-g Experiments ( a(antimatter) = 0.75 a(matter) 

by Stefan Geier

Our concept, and theory [GEIER et al., 2019 to 2023] on gravitation allows to explain the ratio 0.75 of the gravitational force by a difference in gravitation-relevant space-time dimensions for matter and antimatter (CERN ALPHA-g Experiment ANDERSON wt al Matter is related to 3 orthogonal space dimensions x, y, z, and 1 time dimension t in Isaac NEWTON’s concept. In Albert EINSTEIN’s concept the four dimensions are treated equally, and all four dimensions are orthogonal to every each other. Therefore we can write in a first approximation

(4 space and time dimensions of antimatter (e.g. CERN's ALPHA-g antihydrogene))/
(4 space and time dimensions of normal matter (e.g. steel balls of NEWTON's Cradle))

while assuming space and time are equal in matter and antimatter.

However, in our experiments on NEWTON’s Cradle we demonstrated that the damping of NEWTON’s Cradle is related to 1/t^1/2 with t time in seconds (Figure 1); this square root demonstrates that for backward proper time according to Richard FEYNMAN as it is necessary for the concept of antimatter the backward time is asymmetric just by the imaginary number i, respective basic unit i to the forward time of matter we are used to. Thus, in the complex number plane the antimatter backward time of Richard FEYNMAN (FEYNMAN graphs, see Roger PENROSE 2007, pp 638), and of the concept of CPT Symmetry (Gerhart LÜDERS, Wolfgang PAULI) provides a second time dimension orthogonal to the standard forward time dimension of matter (rotation by pi/2; see, too: Roger PENROSE 2007, Fig 25.10: rotation by pi/2 and point symmetry of particle-antiparticle pair annihilation and COMPTON scattering providing equivalence). By assuming that we are not able to measure this “i backward proper time of antimatter” with our standard instruments of measurement (1st premise) there is 1 dimension with gravitation flux missing (this is another premise) in the CERN ALPHA-g experiments. Thus the ratio above gets rid of one dimension, namely the standard forward time dimension we are used to measure. The numerator becomes 3, the ratio becomes ¾ = 0.75.

(3 space dimensions of antimatter (e.g. CERN's ALPHA-g antihydrogene))/
(3 space and 1 time dimensions of normal matter (e.g. steel balls of NEWTON's Cradle))
= 3/4 = 0.75

This would explain the measured ratio of 0.75 as an expected value (expectation operator, real value).

With this point of view the CERN ALPHA-g experiment becomes a proof for Richard FEYNMAN’s backward proper time concept in the FEYNMAN diagrams, and a proof for CPT Symmetry; furthermore the CERN ALPHA-g experiment becomes a proof (in the sense of not-falsification, respective corroboration) for our experiments on the bifilar pendulum and the corresponding NEWTON’s Cradle, and of our thereof derived theory on 2hdash gravitons, in addition.

Critique welcome!
Of course, today’s considerations are speculative.

Yours Stefan Geier,
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Str. 6
D-83071 Haidholzen, Germany, 30.I.2024

ANDERSON E. K. et al. Observation of the effect of gravity on the motion of antimatter. Nature. 621, pages716–722 (2023).
CERN ALPHA: retr. 30.I.2024
CERN ALPHA-g Experiment: The ALPHA-g Antihydrogen Gravity Magnet System. retr. 30.I.2024
PENROSE Roger: The Road to Reality. Vintage 2004, 2007.

Our literature:
GEIER Stefan: Conjoint Orthogonal Projections of 9 Superstring Dimensions on a 10th Dimension Explain with Considerable Precision (0.8%) the Percentage of Observable Matter and Energy: Theoretical Value 4.86% Compared with the Empirically Derived Value 4.9%. Blogger, September 27, 2023. https://humanistischebetrac...
GEIER Caroline, and GEIER Stephanie: Untersuchungen zur Newton Schaukel. Poster at VDE School Award Bayern 2019, Ignaz-Günther-Gymnasium Rosenheim.
GEIER Stefan: Facebook: Answer to Abraham Mjm Einsteig (12. January 2020) concerning Nobel Prize, 14. September 2019, Nobel Prize, Gravitational Waves #LIGO.
GEIER Stefan: 2ħ Graviton Quantum Correction on W Boson Mass Measurements is Feasible, and Necessary. APR. 18, 2022. eLetter to Science VOL. 376, NO. 6589, 7 Apr. 2022, pp. 170-176. AALTONEN T. et al.: High-precision measurement of the w boson mass with the CDF II detector. DOI: 10.1126/science.abk178
GEIER Stefan, GEIER Caroline, GEIER Stephanie, GEIER Katharina, and GEIER Constantin: Gravitons with Spin 2ħ in the Classical Pendulum: Quantum Physics Fits Newton's Classical Physics. Research Gate, August 2021, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35308.69769
GEIER Stefan, GEIER Caroline, GEIER Stephanie, GEIER Katharina, and GEIER Constantin: Newton's Cradle, the Damped Harmonic Oscillator, and Planck's Constant h: A Quantum Physics Solution for a Mechanical Ball Chain System. August 2021, ResearchGate:

Figure 1. Damping of the 1st sphere of NEWTON’s Cradle composed of steel balls in Phase 1: Richard FEYNMAN's backward (negative) proper time brings in i: t(antimatter) = t(FEYNMAN's backward time) = f(i * (t^0.5))



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    Stefan Geier, Haidholzen


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