"π/2 Spherical CPT Symmetry" ... : Comment on ANDERSON et al: Observation of the effect of gravity on the motion of antimatter. Nature 621, 716–722 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06527-1
Here an extended
comment focussing on a tiny breaking of CPT Symmetry by “a(antimatter) = 0.75 a(matter)”
probably caused by “π/2 Spherical CPT Symmetry“ (see endnotes) solving some
problems in physics elegantly, too:
On the Specific Difference
between NEWTON’s Cradle and the CERN
ALPHA-g Experiment 2023 by Focussing on the Time Dimension of Antimatter
According to Richard FEYNMAN and on CPT Symmetry
An Explanation for the 0.75 ratio of Antimatter/Matter Gravitation Experimentally Derived by the CERN ALPHA-g Experiment (Nature 621, 716–722 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06527-1) “a(antimatter) = 0.75 a(matter)” and a Connection to “π/2 Spherical CPT Symmetry“
Very Valuable and Ingenous Birthday Essay for
Caroline Geier and Stephanie Geier
22nd Birthday March 03, 2024
by Stefan Geier
concept, and theory (GEIER et al., 2019 to 2023) on gravitation allows to
explain the ratio 0.75 of the gravitational force of antimatter compared with matter
demonstrated in the CERN ALPHA-g Experiment 2023 by a difference in gravitation-relevant
space-time dimensions for matter and antimatter (CERN ALPHA-g Experiment https://alpha.web.cern.ch/... :, ANDERSON
EK et al., 2023). Matter
is related to 3 orthogonal space dimensions x, y, z, and 1 time dimension t in
Isaac NEWTON’s concept. In Albert EINSTEIN’s concept the four dimensions are
treated equally, and all four dimensions are orthogonal to every each other.
Therefore we can write in a first approximation
[4 space and time dimensions of
antimatter (e.g. CERN's ALPHA-g antihydrogene)] /
[4 space and time dimensions of normal matter (e.g. steel balls of NEWTON's
= 1.00
assuming space and time are equal in matter and antimatter.
in our experiments on NEWTON’s Cradle we demonstrated that the damping of
NEWTON’s Cradle is related to 1/t^1/2 with t time in seconds (Figure 1); this
square root demonstrates that for backward proper time according to Richard
FEYNMAN as it is necessary for the concept of antimatter the backward time and
which is negative (< 0) and thus according to „(-1)^1/2 = i“ is asymmetric
just by the imaginary number i, respective basic unit i to the forward time of normal
matter we are used to. Thus, in the complex number plane the antimatter
backward time of Richard FEYNMAN (FEYNMAN graphs, see Roger PENROSE 2007, pp
638), and of the concept of CPT Symmetry (Gerhart LÜDERS, Wolfgang PAULI)
provides a second time dimension orthogonal to the standard forward time
dimension of matter, and orthogonal to a backward time dimension described by a
rotation by π (i
induces a rotation by π/21; see, too: Roger PENROSE 2007, Fig
25.10: rotation by π/2 and point symmetry of particle-antiparticle pair
annihilation and COMPTON scattering providing equivalence). By assuming that we
are not able to measure this “i backward proper time of antimatter” with our
standard instruments of measurement (1st premise) there is 1
dimension with gravitation flux missing (this is another premise) in the CERN
ALPHA-g experiment. Thus the ratio above gets rid of one dimension, namely the
standard forward time dimension we are used to measure. The numerator becomes 3, the
ratio becomes ¾ = 0.75:
[3 space-time dimensions of
antimatter (e.g. CERN's ALPHA-g antihydrogene)] /
[3 space and 1 time dimensions of normal matter (e.g. steel balls of NEWTON's Cradle)]
= 3/4 = 0.75 .
would explain the measured CERN ALPHA-g ratio of 0.75 as an expected value
(expectation operator, real value).
With this
point of view – based on our experiments on NEWTON’s Cradle, complex numbers,
Richard FEYNMAN’s backward time, and CPT Symmetry -, the CERN ALPHA-g
experiment becomes a proof for Richard FEYNMAN’s backward proper time concept
in the FEYNMAN diagrams, and a proof for CPT Symmetry; furthermore, the CERN
ALPHA-g experiment becomes a (at least somehow „blinded“) not T-theoretic proof
(in the sense of not-falsification, respective corroboration) for our
experiments and results on the bifilar pendulum and the corresponding NEWTON’s
Cradle, and of our thereof derived theory on 2ħ gravitons and 11 (or 12, this
latter being somehow T-theoretic but most consistent) dimensional string
theory, in addition.
This is underlined by the fact that our equation yspace = constant * (1/ttime^0.5) (see Figure 1) for Phase 1 of the elastic collisions2, 3 of NEWTON’s Cradle allows to write i°*°y = constant * i/i (1/∣ttime∣^0.5) = constant * ∣ttime∣^-0.5) for Richard FEYNMAN’s negative proper time t < 0 by applying the mathematics of complex numbers by multiplying both sides with i. However, in contrast to mathematics (and the typical interpretation of SCHRÖDINGER’s equation) the multiplication by i in physics has to be interpreted as a rotation of (at least) one standard NEWTON-EINSTEIN space axis by π/2 (90°) which changes the concept of NEWTON-EINSTEIN space by adding a new space dimension pointing at the 5th KALUZA-KLEIN dimension, CALABI-YAU dimensions, quantum loop theories, string theories with 11 or 12 dimensions4. I actually assume that a 12-dimensional concept of reality with 10 space dimensions and 2 time dimensions fits the actual empirical data and mathematical calculus best; note that Cumrun VAFA with F-Theory and the introduction of anticommutative GRASSMANN coordinates (a^2 = 0; a = additional dimension) comes to the same conclusion starting at a different point of thinking about reality. Furthermore, our equation can be seen as most eased realization of the NAMBU-GOTO action or POLYAKOV action bringing string theory to NEWTON’s physics and HERTZ’s Contact Law. Again, it’s important to see that 1/ttime^0.5 is the second derivative of HERTZ’s Contact Law with xradius compression of the ball3/2 - instead of HOOKE’s Law5 with xcompression1 - representing the Quadrupole Concept of Albert EINSTEIN’s General Relativity6 for the steel balls of NEWTON’s Cradle providing very substantial evidence for our considerations. So we can conclude that the specific difference between NEWTON’s Cradle and the CERN ALPHA-g experiment is attributed to the dimension of time of the four equally treated NEWTON-EINSTEIN dimensions by being positive for matter and negative for antimatter; the negative time of antimatter causes according to Phase I of the damping of NEWTON’s Cradle a rotation of the time axis by i respective π/2 making the time dimension for the used methods of measurement unmeasurable and thus causing a ¼ reduced local CERN ALPHA-g best fit gravitational acceleration given with 0.75g: (4-1) /4 = a(antimatter) / a(matter) = 0.75.
ANDERSON E. K. et al.: Observation of the
effect of gravity on the motion of antimatter. Nature. 621, pages716–722
(2023). https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06527-1#edit-6379357076
CASTELVECCI Davide: Antimatter falls down, not
up. Nature, Vol 622, 5 October 2023, 14-15
CERN ALPHA: https://alpha.web.cern.ch/ retr. 30.I.2024
CERN ALPHA-g Experiment: The ALPHA-g Antihydrogen Gravity Magnet System. https://alpha.web.cern.ch/p... retr. 30.I.2024PENROSE Roger: The Road to Reality. Vintage 2004, 2007
HERRMANN F, SEITZ M: How does the ball‐chain work?. Am. J. Phys. 50, 977–981 (1982). https://doi.org/10.1119/1.12936
POHL Randolf: Fundamental symmetry tested
using antihydrogen. Nature, Vol 578,
20 February 2020, 369-370 -15
Stefanie: Gravity is attractive. Nat. Phys. 19, 1549
(2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-023-02292-0
SOTER Anna: Free-falling antihydrogen reveals the effect of gravity on antimatter. Nature 621, 699-700 (2023); doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-02930-w;
VAFA Cumrun: Puzzles to Unravel the Universe. Harvard University, Amazon, TXu002192151, 2020
concerning NEWTON’s experimental Law and e in footnote 3:
SOBOLKOV A V and ABORKIN A V: Determination of the coefficient of restitution
upon contact of a steel ball with aluminum and steel surfaces. Intelligent
Information Technology and Mathematical Modeling 2021 (IITMM 2021) Journal of
Physics: Conference Series 2131 (2021) 032087 IOP Publishing
GEIER Caroline, and GEIER
Stephanie: Untersuchungen zur Newton Schaukel. Poster at VDE School
Award Bayern 2019, Ignaz-Günther-Gymnasium Rosenheim.
GEIER Stefan:
Facebook: Answer to Abraham Mjm Einsteig (12. January 2020) concerning Nobel
Prize, 14. September 2019, Nobel Prize, Gravitational Waves #LIGO.
GEIER Stefan: Facebook:
Please, look at the relation between David WINELAND's photons (quanta; see
facebook Nobel Prize 22 h ago), and GEIER's interpretation of NEWTON's cradle:
(25. Februar
2021) concerning Nobel Prize, 22. September 2021 10:27, Nobel Prize, David
Stefan: 2ħ Graviton Quantum Correction on W Boson Mass Measurements is
Feasible, and Necessary. APR. 18, 2022. eLetter to Science VOL. 376, NO. 6589,
7 Apr. 2022, pp. 170-176. AALTONEN T. et al.: High-precision measurement of the
w boson mass with the CDF II detector. DOI: 10.1126/science.abk178
Stefan, GEIER Caroline, GEIER Stephanie, GEIER Katharina, and GEIER Constantin:
Gravitons with Spin 2ħ in the Classical Pendulum: Quantum Physics Fits Newton's
Classical Physics. Research Gate, August 2021, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35308.69769
Stefan, GEIER Caroline, GEIER Stephanie, GEIER Katharina, and GEIER Constantin:
Newton's Cradle, the Damped Harmonic Oscillator, and Planck's Constant h: A
Quantum Physics Solution for a Mechanical Ball Chain System. August 2021,
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353762880_Newton's_Cradle_the_Damped_Harmonic_Oscillator_and_Planck's_Constant_h_A_Quantum_Physics_Solution_for_a_Mechanical_Ball_Chain_System
Stefan: Conjoint Orthogonal Projections of 9 Superstring Dimensions on a 10th
Dimension Explain with Considerable Precision (0.8%) the Percentage of
Observable Matter and Energy: Theoretical Value 4.86% Compared with the
Empirically Derived Value 4.9%. Blogger, September 27, 2023. https://humanistischebetrachtungen1.blogspot.com/2023/09/conjoint-orthogonal-projections-of-9.html
Figure 1. Damping of the 1st sphere of NEWTON’s Cradle composed of steel balls in Phase 1 (Caroline Geier and Stephanie Geier: Untersuchungen zur Newton Schaukel. VDE Award 2019, Rosenheim): Richard FEYNMAN's backward (negative) proper time (t(antimatter) < 0) brings in i: t(antimatter) = t(FEYNMAN's backward time) = f(i*t(matter)^0.5) = i f(t(matter))
1 An equilateral triangle ABC on a sphere (you can see the three CPT
domains as the three vertices on this sphere) gives you a π/4
rotation by translation of a tangent along a geodäsic and shifting at a vertice
to the next edge. Walking on the edges back to the starting point you get an
overall angle of 3π/4 giving an π/4 angle deviation of the tangent to the
geodesic and a π/2 angle between the tangents when reaching the starting point;
in this sense our rotation of the time axis of π/2 related to i is consistent
with CPT Symmetry and the uniterian theories of Albert EINSTEIN, Hermann WEYL
and Erich SCHRÖDINGER. The term „π/4+ π/4 = π/2 Spherical CPT Symmetry“ might
be appropriate and ready for discussion and introduction combining
`three-valued respective 3-dimensional logic of CPT Symmetry´ with a sphere and
π/2. This CPT Symmetry on a sphere with a π/2 rotation of vectors in the sense
of the LEVI-CIVITA connection and the RIEMANN curvature tensor is appropriate
to be the wanted tiny asymmetry - important at the Big Bang (e.g. Randolf POHL,
2020) - between matter and antimatter and is a conceptual starting point to
explain the differences in the amount of the measurement of matter and
antimatter in our universe till now.
Note that this consideration is consistent with i^1/2=e^i*π/4, and thus with
the concept of the orthogonal projector we successfully introduced in PLANCK
satellite data based cosmology given by (e^i*π/4) = Re(½*2^1/2)orth.proj.
= Im(½*2^1/2)orth.proj. = |½*2^1/2|. In addition, by π/2 the AdS/CFT
correspondence is included by the anti-DeSITTER Space with the substrate border
located at |π/2| allowing a link to the concept of AdS/CFT correspondence and
the holographic principle.
In addition, it is noteworthy to see that the concept of the radius of
curvature of the osculating circle and total curvature include a power of ^3/2
equivalent (equivalence class) to the power of ^3/2 in HERTZ’s Contact Law
being one starting point on our considerations on NEWTON’s Cradle (F. Herrmann; M. Seitz. Am. J. Phys. 50, 977–981 (1982). https://doi.org/10.1119/1.12936 ); the by us
used concepts of Symmetry Breaking, Emmy NOETHER, π, Werner MAURER, Max
PLANCK’s h, Paul DIRAC’s ħ, Richard FEYNMAN, Roger PENROSE … followed later by
logical and emiprical consequences and analyses. The equivalence of the power of ^3/2
in total curvature (the curvature of spacetime in general
relativity; in general relativity theory Albert
EINSTEIN’s spacetime is a pseudo-RIEMANNian manifold) and HERTZ’s
Contact Law underlines the relevance of our considerations.
e² = y2 / y1 = k t2^-1/2 / k t2^-1/2
= (t1 / t2)^1/2
with t1 =
1 second, t2 = 2 seconds by
e² = (½)^1/2 = 0.7071
(a normalized to doubling coefficient of restitution of NEWTON’s Cradle in
Phase 1 therefore is (½)^1/4 = 0.842 compared with ≈ 0.88 in empirical studies
by V G Gusev, A V Sobolkov and A V Aborkin 2021 suggesting an approximated
energy loss of 1 - (½)^1/2 / 0.88^1/2 = 1 - 0,913094 = 0.087 and a momentum
loss of 0.842/0.88 = 1 - 0.9568181 = 0.043 remembering of the 4% respective 20%
criterion of v²/c² respective v=0.2*c for the need of application of special
relativity), and
sin-1(½)^1/2 = cos-1(½)^1/2 = π/4 = 45°
representing the
angle bisector describing the basic unit orthogonal projector of space,
respective spacetime in our text „Conjoint Orthogonal Projections
of 9 Superstring Dimensions on a 10th Dimension Explain with Considerable
Precision (0.8%) the Percentage of Observable Matter and Energy: Theoretical
Value 4.86% Compared with the Empirically Derived Value 4.9%“ (https://humanistischebetrachtungen1.blogspot.com/2023/09/conjoint-orthogonal-projections-of-9.html). This extremly high – absolutely unexpected to me - consistent
relation back to NEWTON’s original thinking in 1687 – and the relation to
Albert EINSTEIN’s spacetime, Richard FEYNMAN’s backward antimatter time and CPT
Symmetry - underlines the relevance of our data and theory. (GEIER et al., in
preparation, and footnotes 1 and 4)
~ finis operis ~
Yours Stefan Geier, Haidholzen
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